These are perilous times. What if we step out of "the usual" to bring our insights, skills and uncertainties together, holding our glimpses of what is seeking to emerge lightly?
What does a heartfelt, reflective, supportive, empowering, transcontextual inquiry and community look like? And how do you feel when you're taking new shape?
Hpx North America

Maori fire poi dancing
...no community without first communing...*
“Heart” - embodied, courageous, compassionate, pulsing and poetic – keeps us fully alive;
“Politics” - everything that the people, polis, do - either to each other or together.
When “solutions” and “problems” perpetuate each other, we are challenged to focus and see the previously unimaginable.
* Nora Bateson, Combinings, 2023
"Heart politix" - relating in ways that draw together the best in us all, stretch us to notice all that we may be, point towards trust beyond hope, and surprise us with the simple, generative power to meet questions that we cannot hold alone.

* Nora Bateson "Combinings"
Our fragmented times present different, regenerating heads of the same dragon.
Remarkably, its horrific dance calls us to combine stories and weave our experience so that, like ourselves, our communities and our world, it too can return to balance.
A Gathering gives place for our diverse stories, curiosities, successes and requests using “Open Space" process. This is supported by the Gathering Pillars - whole group elements to bring structure, connection and context - and smaller, home group settings offer reflection and holding space ...
And there's celebration too.
What is possible is already here.
The balance is always in motion. It's Improv!
Come and be the flow that holds.

Heart politix Summer Gathering 2024:
Aug 16-20 - Walker Creek Ranch, Petaluma, CA
We are extremely grateful to the management team at the Walker Creek Ranch, a Marin County Education Centre, for their enthusiasm, interest and support in enabling this Gathering at short notice.
Big ups to Kris and Jen!!!
Related/Community Events:
Monterey Bay Meditation Studio:
Summer Programme - 2024
HPx is made possible in association with the Monterey Bay Meditation Studio's "Constellation Community" project. MBMS offers a wide range of activities, events and courses addressing conscious relationship with a changing world.